by Miceál O’Hurley
DUBLIN – October 11th is @UNICEF’s Int’l Day Of The Girl. In 2020, UNICEF is joining with women and men everywhere to reimagine a more equitable world for girls & amplifying the voices of those building it.
Diplomacy in Ireland – The European Diplomat Editor-in-Chief Miceal O’Hurley praised UNICEF’s International Day of the Girl, “We need only look around any organisation, government or power structure to see that women are not equal partners in the halls of power, education, commerce, trade, research, development or any other field except poverty and violence. Its long overdue to remedy that and in doing so we must elevate the genuine importance of young girls in daily life.”
Of the 62 Missions in Ireland at least 15 are led by women leading as Heads of Mission as either accredited Ambassadors or Chargé d’Affaires. This year, Her Excellency Anna Sochanska, Ambassador of Poland, spearheaded a project to celebrate women leading in the field of diplomacy in Ireland and to encourage girls everywhere to reach their potential. Developed and produced by the Polish Embassy in Dublin, a special video features the female Diplomatic Heads of Mission of the following countries: Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Greece, Nigeria, Palestine, Poland, Romania, South Africa, and Ukraine.
Congratulations to all the women and girls who continue to make the world a better place!